2013年7月14日 星期日


Marking the 10th anniversary, this year’s Lan Kwai Fong Beer & Music Fest will be even more hilarious with grander scale, with the extravaganza area extending for the first time to the whole Wo On Lane and the amphitheatre there. All of you will be indulged with over 100 world-famous beer brands, with unlimited supply from participating bars, restaurants and over 70 street booths including the “Craft Beer Street” in Wo on Lane. Beers from bitter to sweet, including fruity, chocolate and honey are all available to make you mouth-watering. Besides, international delicacy such as South-East Asian satay skewers, roasted oysters, Mexican tacos, German sausages, French dessert, and specially selected classic snacks from Peru, are all ready to bring your taste bud travelling around the world. Live music, interactive games, challenging competitions and fabulous performances will pamper you from 1pm till late.
每年一度的蘭桂坊盛夏盛事 – 第十屆「蘭桂坊啤酒節2013」將於整個蘭桂坊街區設置70多個攤位。為慶祝十周年,和安里更變成「精品啤酒街」,超過100 款來自世界各地、特別味道如蘋果、朱古力及蜜糖的手工精釀啤酒,再配以環球美食,東南亞沙嗲串燒、日式燒烤、碳燒生蠔、墨西哥脆餡餅、烤焗肉卷、德國香腸、法式甜點等,重點推介來自秘魯的特色風味小吃,絕對是難得的美食體驗,一定為您的味蕾帶來前所未有的刺激!連場的現場音樂表演、刺激的遊戲及比賽,精彩的街頭表演都會在下午一時開放到深夜,讓您盡情投入熱熾的派對氣氛之中!
星期六及日, 2013年7月13至14日
每年一度的蘭桂坊盛夏盛事 – 「蘭桂坊啤酒節2013」將於整個蘭桂坊街區設置70多個攤位。超過100 款來自世界各地、特別味道如蘋果、朱古力及蜜糖的手工精釀啤酒,配以環球美食,一定為您的味蕾帶來前所未有的刺激!還有連場的現場音樂表演、刺激的遊戲及比賽,精彩的街頭表演…,讓您盡情投入熱熾的派對氣氛之中!


