Pretend As Obama With China’s Fake ID Card Software
Believe it or not, you can create a Chinese identity card easily in China, by using a made-in-china fake ID card software. You can enter any name, sex, birth date, address, ID card number, and avatar with the software, and you get a knockoff Chinese ID card which is indistinguishable from a real one. We tried it but we failed.
From the video above, the reporter successfully generated a fake Chinese ID card and printed out as a hard copy to bring it along for registering a phone number in China. Yup, you need to show your residence ID card before doing serious stuff such as starting bank accounts, getting loans and so on… The reporter just shows his copy of ID card to the staff of the telecom company, and it turns out to be acceptable with the staff taking a few looks on it to do some checking. So, this shows that Chinese fraudsters could defraud anything easily in one’s name with this powerful fake ID card software.
However, we failed to do so. We went through a deep search for the software, by going to Baidu and search “二代身份证 生成器 下载”, in English, “second-generation ID card generator download”, and got it after searching for half an hour. It looks like the Chinese government has removed the download pages and links of the software, and we finally found it in a forum thread. When we try to start the software, it shows us an error message and there are no ways to open and run it. What’s more, there’s virus in the software folder so we deleted it after several attempts… Maybe the software is not usable anymore due to some actions from the Chinese government… We were just hoping to create a Steve Jobs Chinese ID card…